蓝石干细胞再生医学科技(广州)有限公司,简称蓝石(Blue Rock),是卡采集团旗下高端品牌。Blue Rock·蓝石秉承“趋势导向、效果至上、引领未来”的理念,坚持不懈地深入研究和实践,产品以安全、有效、简单、证书齐全为大众高度认可。目前为止,Blue Rock·蓝石已通过自主研发、百级无菌、安全有效、生产规模、产品培训、服务体验,宣传推广等产业化运营,成为国内高端品牌的领航者,称誉业界。


Corporate culture: If you want to get benefits, you must first create value;


Corporate mission: to create the best outlet for the beauty industry and develop the leading health and beauty products, so that your life will be healthier, more beautiful and more brilliant;


Corporate vision: the no.1 brand in the field of anti-aging, the company with the highest happiness index, a company that has lived for 120 years and crossed the century;


Enterprise slogan:Customer first employee second shareholder third;

企业价值观:客户第一 拥抱变化 团队合作 诚信 激情 敬业

Enterprise slogan: Customer first embrace change teamwork integrity passion dedication;

Blue Rock·蓝石发展规划:

Blue Rock development planning

以美业之都·广州为核心辐射点布局全国34个省、直辖市、自治区实现全覆盖,超过100个地级市拥有精英业务团队。帮助100名合作伙伴实现年入500万梦想,帮助1000人实现年入200万梦想,帮助10000人实现年入60万的初级梦想!成立Blue Rock·蓝石商学院,规划三年内建成Blue Rock·蓝石创产基地,实现从日常护理、轻医美、大健康全方位覆盖,为Blue Rock·蓝石伙伴提供个人能力不断成长的需求。2021年计划成立蓝石慈善基金,为社会贡献蓝石的热爱之力!

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